I installed it 3 times and tried to import and/or drag various animated and single frame GIF's into program, but I receive an error message all the time. I am running Win7-64 and I don't see the specs for this program anywhere. What OS does it support if any? Is there any program that converts animated GIF's to ASCII text? This one says it does, but actually it doesn't, LOL.
You can find an actual update here: https://story.adobe.com/AIR/AdobeStory.air
File often downloads itself as AdobeStory.ZIP so rename it back to AdobeStory.air and then double click on it.
You have to have Adobe AIR installed, you can obtain AIR from www.adobe.com main page.
I am using it on Vista 64bit Ultimate sp2 with Google Crome installed. Seems to be working real well so far. Not very GUI is kind of ugly but that isn't so important. I love this program. Thanks!!
File often downloads itself as AdobeStory.ZIP so rename it back to AdobeStory.air and then double click on it.
You have to have Adobe AIR installed, you can obtain AIR from www.adobe.com main page.
Ben CZ
The software has to 'hack' the system to do it's job.
Review it apart and get rid of McAfee!